The I.M.F.C.

Jul 2, 20202 min

Ministers For Peace Shaykh Qazi Asad

Shaykh Qazi Asad: "When someone has oppression they need to express their feeling because they kept it in themself for so long or they believe there is no justice.

"If there is no justice, there is no peace, but what we see out there on the street of the USA, yes, there was no justice, but there is no peace today. Looting business, setting it on fire, that's not what this nation stands for.

"It's okay under the Bill of Rights to go ahead and express yourself, protest, but it does not give us the right to look someone's business and livelihood. What example are we setting?

"What we need to do is to change the system, and the system will not change by you burning businesses.

"Think about it.

"Thank you."

Shaykh Qazi Asad is the first Islamic chaplain in the LAPD and LASD. A Pakistani-born spiritual leader who has spent much of the past decade building bridges between law enforcement and Los Angeles County’s diverse Muslim communities. He also serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Council of Pakistan.

Council of Pakistan (COP) in collaboration with Consul General of Pakistan and the SOCAL Blanks donated masks, hand sanitizers, and PPE items to L.A County Sheriff Department.

L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva thanked the COP President Jamal Khawaja and the rest of the Board of Directors of COP, the Consul General of Pakistan H.E. Abdul Jabbar Memon and Abdul Samad Shaikh of Socal Blanks for the donation.

L.A. County Sheriff is the largest Sheriff department in the United States. Members of the COP Board of Directors, Adnan Khan, and Qazi Asad serve as Advisors to LA. County Sheriff.
