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The International Multi-Faith Coalition Joins Letter in Support of Religious Leaders

Writer: The I.M.F.C.The I.M.F.C.

The IMFC joined today the Jubilee Campaign USA and Buddhist Church of America in a letter to President Trump, asking him to call on the Vietnamese Communist government to immediately cease its suppression and intimidation of a number of religious leaders in Vietnam for their organization of a national referendum. This national referendum solicits opinions of the Vietnamese people on whether to sue China for its aggression in the Vietnam’s East Sea (South China Sea).

Aerial view of the Golden Bridge lifted by two giant hands in the tourist resort on Ba Na Hill in Da Nang, Vietnam.

The Honorable Donald J. Trump

President of the United States

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Trump,

We, representatives of concerned organizations and individuals, write to urge you to call on the Vietnamese Communist government to immediately cease its suppression and intimidation of a number of religious leaders in Vietnam for their organization of a national referendum. This national referendum solicits opinions of the Vietnamese people on whether to sue China for its aggression in the Vietnam’s East Sea (South China Sea).

Taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic, China attempted to complete a fait accompli by taking paramilitary and political actions to coerce Vietnam to abandon its territorial rights. This referendum, spearheaded by four independent religious organizations, had garnered hundreds of thousands of people who voted overwhelmingly (95%) to pursue legal action against China.

The religious organizers of this referendum have been threatened and publicly maligned. Sub-dignitary Hua Phi, leader of Caodaism and a Co-chair of the Interfaith Council of Vietnam, expressed concerns for his safety. The Vietnamese Communist government repeatedly blocked access to the referendum. Participants of the referendum have been terrorized. 

We humbly ask that you speak out on behalf of the religious leaders and participants of this referendum. Your support of religious freedom and of the people’s right of self-determination will help ensure the safety of the people who exercise these basic rights and are performing this very essential civic duty. 





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