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Writer's pictureBen-Zion Fischler

The Oasis of Peace: A Beacon of Hope in War-Torn Israel

The International Multi-Faith Coalition (IMFC) continues its mission to promote understanding and cooperation among diverse faith communities. Its latest installment in the renowned Golden Rule Series, "The Golden Rule: Religious Co-Existence in War-Torn Israel," shines a spotlight on a remarkable community that defies the common narrative of constant conflict between Muslims and Jews in Israel.

This groundbreaking video takes us to the heart of Wahat Al-Salam/Neve Shalom, aptly named the "Oasis of Peace" in both Arabic and Hebrew. This unique village stands as a living testament to the possibility of peaceful coexistence between Palestinians and Jewish Israelis, even in the face of ongoing regional tensions.

The Power of a Counternarrative:

The video opens with a provocative question: "In Israel, Muslims and Jews always fight each other... Right?" This rhetorical device immediately challenges the viewer's preconceptions, setting the stage for a powerful counternarrative. By answering with a resounding "Wrong!" the IMFC invites us to reconsider our assumptions and open our minds to a different reality.

This approach is particularly effective in today's media landscape, where conflict and division often dominate headlines. By presenting an alternative story - one of cooperation, mutual respect, and shared humanity - the IMFC reminds us that peace is not just a distant ideal but a lived reality for some communities.

The Oasis of Peace: A Brief History:

Founded in 1970 by Dominican Brother Bruno Hussar, the Oasis of Peace was born from a vision of interfaith harmony. Brother Hussar's intention was revolutionary yet simple: to create a place where people of this land could live together despite their cultural and religious differences, and who would actively engage in educational work for peace.

This vision was particularly bold given the historical context. The community was established just three years after the Six-Day War of 1967, a time of heightened tensions and territorial disputes in the region. Against this backdrop, the creation of a intentionally mixed community of Palestinians and Jewish Israelis was both a challenge to the status quo and a beacon of hope for a different future.

The Pillars of Coexistence:

The video highlights two key institutions that form the backbone of the Oasis of Peace: the local elementary school and the School for Peace. These institutions embody the community's commitment to fostering understanding from an early age and continuing this work into adulthood.

1. The Bilingual Elementary School:

The local elementary school is a microcosm of the village's ideals. It provides bilingual and multicultural education to children from both the village and the surrounding areas. This approach goes beyond mere language instruction; it creates an environment where children learn to work and play together across cultural divides.

The significance of this cannot be overstated. In a region where separate educational systems often reinforce divisions, this school offers a radically different model. By learning side by side, children grow up with a nuanced understanding of "the other," challenging stereotypes and fostering empathy from an early age.

2. The School for Peace:

While the elementary school lays the foundation, the School for Peace builds upon it, extending the community's impact far beyond its geographical boundaries. Through workshops, training programs, and special projects, this institution has reached an impressive 65,000 participants from different religions and cultures, including many from the Occupied Territories.

The School for Peace focuses on improving dialogue and enhancing relations between people of differing religions and cultures. Its methodology is rooted in the lived experience of the Oasis of Peace, offering practical tools for conflict resolution and intercultural communication.

The Impact of Recent Conflicts:

The IMFC's video doesn't shy away from addressing the challenges faced by the Oasis of Peace. It acknowledges that recent conflicts have increased tensions for everyone in the region. However, what's remarkable is the community's response to these challenges. Rather than retreating or abandoning their principles, the villagers have redoubled their efforts.

The video mentions a major conference held in the village, aimed at spreading the work of the School for Peace and encouraging dialogue in the face of continuing hostilities. This proactive approach demonstrates the community's resilience and unwavering commitment to their mission, even in the most trying times.

A Rare Ability in Today's World:

One of the most powerful moments in the video comes from Nava Sonnenschein, one of the founders of the School for Peace. She articulates what makes the graduates of their programs unique:

"People who live here and people who graduated our programs, they have this ability, and it's a rare ability today, to see the complexity, to see both sides, to feel empathy."

This statement encapsulates the essence of the Oasis of Peace's mission. In a world often dominated by binary thinking and polarized viewpoints, the ability to see complexity, acknowledge multiple perspectives, and feel empathy for those different from oneself is indeed rare and invaluable.

The IMFC's Message: Universal Principles for a Divided World:

The International Multi-Faith Coalition uses this powerful example to reinforce its core messages:

1. To Restore Sacrosanctity to all Houses of Worship

2. We are Family

3. Respect the Religious Beliefs of Others

These principles, illustrated so vividly by the Oasis of Peace, offer a roadmap for interfaith cooperation and mutual respect. By highlighting this community, the IMFC demonstrates that these are not merely lofty ideals but achievable goals with real-world examples.

The Broader Context: Why This Matters:

The significance of the Oasis of Peace extends far beyond its borders. In a region often seen as intractably divided, this community offers a living example of an alternative path. It challenges the narrative of inevitable conflict and shows that coexistence is possible with dedication, education, and mutual respect.

Moreover, in an increasingly globalized world grappling with issues of migration, cultural integration, and religious pluralism, the lessons from this small village in Israel have universal relevance. The skills of intercultural communication, conflict resolution, and empathetic understanding fostered here are crucial for building harmonious multicultural societies worldwide.

The Role of Education in Peacebuilding:

One of the key takeaways from the IMFC's video is the central role of education in building lasting peace. Both the bilingual elementary school and the School for Peace demonstrate the power of education to transform perspectives and build bridges across divides.

This approach aligns with extensive research in peace studies and conflict resolution. Education that promotes critical thinking, exposes students to diverse perspectives, and fosters empathy has been shown to be a powerful tool in preventing conflict and building social cohesion.

The Oasis of Peace's educational model offers valuable insights for educators and policymakers worldwide. It suggests that integrating multicultural and peace education into mainstream curricula could have far-reaching benefits for society at large.

Challenges and Criticisms:

While the IMFC's video presents an overwhelmingly positive view of the Oasis of Peace, it's important to acknowledge that such initiatives are not without their challenges and critics. Some might argue that the community represents an idealized bubble, disconnected from the harsh realities of the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Others might question the scalability of such a model. Can the lessons learned in a small, intentional community be applied to larger, more diverse populations?

These are valid questions, and addressing them head-on can actually strengthen the case for initiatives like the Oasis of Peace. By acknowledging the challenges and limitations, we can better understand what makes this community successful and how its principles might be adapted to different contexts.

The Power of Individual Action:

One of the most inspiring aspects of the Oasis of Peace story is how it began with the vision of one individual, Brother Bruno Hussar. This serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that committed individuals can have, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

The IMFC's video, by sharing this story, encourages viewers to consider their own potential to effect change. It suggests that peace-building is not solely the domain of politicians or large organizations, but something that each of us can contribute to in our daily lives and local communities.

Expanding the Impact: From Local to Global:

The video mentions that the village is seeking to expand its message internationally. This is a crucial point, as it speaks to the potential for local initiatives to have global impact in our interconnected world.

By sharing their experiences and methodologies, the Oasis of Peace can inspire and inform similar initiatives around the world. This aligns perfectly with the IMFC's mission to promote interfaith understanding and cooperation on a global scale.

The Role of Media in Shaping Perceptions:

By producing this video, the IMFC is actively participating in shaping the narrative around interfaith relations. In a media landscape often dominated by stories of conflict and division, particularly in the Middle East, this positive story of coexistence serves as a vital counterbalance.

This highlights the responsibility of media organizations and content creators in presenting a full and nuanced picture of complex situations. By choosing to focus on stories of hope and cooperation, we can help create a more balanced understanding of the world and inspire positive action.

Interfaith Cooperation as a Path to Peace:

The Oasis of Peace stands as a powerful example of interfaith cooperation in action. It demonstrates that when people of different faiths come together with open hearts and minds, they can create something truly remarkable.

This aligns closely with the IMFC's broader mission. By highlighting such examples, the organization encourages interfaith dialogue and cooperation around the world. It suggests that our diverse religious traditions, rather than being sources of division, can be wellsprings of shared values and mutual understanding.

The Relevance to Current Events:

While the Oasis of Peace was founded decades ago, its message is perhaps more relevant today than ever. In a world grappling with rising nationalism, religious extremism, and cultural tensions, the need for models of peaceful coexistence is acute.

The IMFC's video serves as a timely reminder that alternatives to conflict exist. It offers hope in the face of disheartening news cycles and encourages viewers to look beyond headlines to the many instances of cooperation and mutual respect that often go unnoticed.

Practical Applications:

Viewers inspired by the Oasis of Peace might wonder how they can apply its principles in their own lives and communities. While not everyone can create an intentional mixed community, there are many ways to promote interfaith understanding:

1. Participate in or organize interfaith dialogues in your local community.

2. Support educational initiatives that promote multicultural understanding.

3. Challenge stereotypes and speak out against religious discrimination.

4. Learn about different religious traditions and cultural practices.

5. Engage in community service projects that bring together people of diverse backgrounds.

By taking such actions, individuals can contribute to building a more tolerant and understanding society, one interaction at a time.

The Golden Rule: A Universal Principle:

The IMFC's Golden Rule series, of which this video is a part, highlights a fundamental principle found in virtually all religious and ethical traditions: treat others as you would wish to be treated. The Oasis of Peace is a living embodiment of this principle.

By framing the story of Wahat Al-Salam/Neve Shalom within the context of the Golden Rule, the IMFC reminds us of the common ethical foundations that unite diverse faith traditions. This shared principle can serve as a starting point for interfaith dialogue and cooperation around the world.


The IMFC's "Golden Rule 17 - Religious Co-Existence in War-Torn Israel" is more than just a video; it's a powerful statement about the possibilities for peace and understanding in even the most challenging circumstances. By shining a light on the Oasis of Peace, the IMFC offers a compelling counter-narrative to prevailing stories of conflict and division.

This community serves as a living laboratory for interfaith cooperation, demonstrating that with commitment, education, and mutual respect, people of different faiths and cultures can not only coexist but thrive together. It challenges us to reconsider our assumptions about the inevitability of conflict and inspires us to work towards a more harmonious world.

As we face global challenges that transcend religious and cultural boundaries, the lessons from the Oasis of Peace become ever more relevant. The IMFC's video reminds us that building bridges of understanding is not just a noble ideal, but a practical necessity for our shared future.

In the end, the story of Wahat Al-Salam/Neve Shalom is a story of hope. It's a reminder that even in the midst of conflict, there are always those working for peace. By amplifying these voices and sharing these stories, the IMFC plays a crucial role in promoting interfaith understanding and cooperation around the world.

As viewers, we are left with a challenge: How can we apply the lessons of the Oasis of Peace in our own lives and communities? How can we contribute to building a world where diversity is celebrated, where empathy transcends differences, and where the sacred spaces of all faiths are respected?

The answers to these questions will shape our shared future. By presenting the inspiring example of the Oasis of Peace, the IMFC invites us all to become part of the solution, to embrace the complexity of our world, and to work towards a future of mutual understanding and respect.

In doing so, we honor not only the vision of Brother Bruno Hussar and the residents of Wahat Al-Salam/Neve Shalom but also the highest ideals of our diverse faith traditions. We affirm that we are, indeed, one human family, united in our hopes for a peaceful and harmonious world.



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